Montana Health Center providers can make referrals for most general radiology services, such as X-rays and ultrasounds at no cost to you.
X-rays and Ultrasounds
There is no out-of-pocket cost to the member for x-rays and ultrasound referrals made by Health Center providers if the following are true:
- Radiology must be ordered by a provider at the Health Center and
- Radiology services must be performed at one of the radiology partners listed below
Your regular medical benefits apply for all other x-rays and ultrasounds.
CT Scans and MRIs
State of Montana Plan Members: Regular medical benefits will ALWAYS apply for CT scans and MRIs, even if the health center refers you for these services. Please get proper prior-authorization through BlueCross BlueShield of Montana for CT scans and MRIs.
Partner Group Members: there is no out-of-pocket cost to the member for CT Scan and MRI referrals made by Health Center providers if the following are true:
- Must be ordered by a provider at the Health Center and
- Services must be performed at one of the radiology partners listed below.
Outside Referrals
The Montana Health Center does not accept orders from non-Health Center providers in an effort to receive no-cost radiology. A Montana Health Center provider must order the imaging services as described above.
Radiology Partners
Helena |
*Note: CT Scans and MRIs are not currently available at Benefis Helena Imaging |
Billings |
Butte |
Missoula |
Other Public Entities
Consult your plan administrators to learn which radiology services are available at no out-of-pocket cost to you.